8. basic course palliative care for nurses

8. basic course palliative care for nurses

date location theme price available tickets
08/21/2023 - 04/26/2024 Neuruppin 8. basic course palliative care for nurses €0,00 0
Hospice “Haus Wegwarte
Fehrbelliner Str. 38
16816 Neuruppin

08/21/2023 - 04/26/2024, 00:00

scientific management
Verena Zettl

recognition/ certification
ALPHA, German Society for Palliative Medicine, German Cancer Aid, German Hospice and Palliative Association

cme points

flyer / program downloads
8. basic course palliative care for nurses

Please book by e-mail, mentioning a billing address.
(In case of online booking, the amount would have to be paid online as well).

In order to be able to safely meet the multi-layered demands of palliative care and support, the course teaches:

  • Basic knowledge of tumor pain therapy and symptom control.
  • Aspects of coping with illness
  • Communication models
  • new possibilities of palliative basic and treatment care
  • Dealing with dying, death and mourning

The course is 160 hours in length,

which are carried out in 4 blocks of one week each.

1st week: 21.08.2023 – 25.08.2023
in the hospice “Haus Wegwarte”, Neuruppin

Week 2: 13.11.2023 – 17.11.2023
in the hospice “Haus Wegwarte”, Neuruppin

Week 3: 19.02.2024 – 23.03.2024
Heiligengrabe Monastery

Week 4: 22.04.2024 – 26.04.2024
in the hospice “White Mountains”, Wittenberge

Please note the participation requirements and send us your documents by e-mail to info@campusacademy-neuruppin.de .

The event is fully booked.