Basic course abdominal sonography for MHB students

Basic course abdominal sonography for MHB students

date location theme price available tickets
03/27/2023 - 03/29/2023 Neuruppin Basic course abdominal sonography for MHB students €0,00 0
ukrb – University Hospital Ruppin-Brandenburg
Fehrbellinerstr. 39
16816 Neuruppin

03/27/2023 - 03/29/2023, 10:00 - 15:00

scientific management
Prof. Dieter Nürnberg, Prof. Christian Jenssen

recognition/ certification
DEGUM with green badge

flyer / program downloads
Basic course abdominal sonography for MHB students

General information:
Attention to be observed in Corona times: Distance regulation, mouth guard. Pay attention to the current regulations of UKRB and MHB.

Seminars Main Building UKRB, Large Ballroom. Practical exercises in small groups in the lecture room, in the rooms of the ultrasound and endoscopy department Med B (L-House), in the Sono-SkillsLab (O-House + D-House) and in the Clinic for Geriatrics. – Coffee break supplies will be organized.

Registration through Ms. Gorlt, 03391/39-14710, e-mail:

Online bookings are not available