Interdisciplinary basic course in vascular diagnostics for neurologists 9th Usedom Week

Interdisciplinary basic course in vascular diagnostics for neurologists 9th Usedom Week

date location theme price available tickets
03/06/2023 - 03/08/2023 Baltic resort Zinnowitz / Usedom island Interdisciplinary basic course in vascular diagnostics for neurologists 9th Usedom Week €0,00 5
Baltic Sport and Holiday Hotel
Dünenstr. 1
17454 Baltic resort Zinnowitz / Usedom island

03/06/2023 - 03/08/2023, 11:30 - 14:45

scientific management
Dr. Freimuth Brunner

recognition/ certification

cme points

flyer / program downloads
Interdisciplinary basic course in vascular diagnostics for neurologists 9th Usedom Week

Currently there are only places available for the neurological groups!!!

Event times

6.03.2023 from 11.30-18.45

7.03.2023 from 8.45-18.30

8.03.2023 from 8.15-14.45

This course is DEGUM and KV compliant. Proportionate hours can be credited for the DEGUM/DGN certificate (DEGUM multistage concept).

Bookings are no longer possible for this event.