Risk Prediction, Communication and Perception (RiPCoP) in Health June 13-15, 2023 Neuruppin.

date location theme price available tickets
06/13/2023 - 06/15/2023 Neuruppin Risk Prediction, Communication and Perception (RiPCoP) in Health June 13-15, 2023 Neuruppin. €0,00 11
University Hospital Ruppin-Brandenburg
Fehrbelliner Straße 38
16816 Neuruppin

06/13/2023 - 06/15/2023, all-day

scientific management
Prof. Michael Hauptmann

course language

flyer / program downloads
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Risk Prediction, Communication and Perception (RiPCoP) in Health June 13-15, 2023 Neuruppin.


Flyer now available (PDF)

Detailed Program June 13


Event Summary (PDF)
Abstract Book (PDF)

Download all Presentations here (link)
(password from E-Mail)

General Travel Information
Transfer Information (PDF)

Map (PDF)

Bus Line 770

Bus Line 756

On the first day of the workshop, June 13, 2023, after the reception at around 18:30 we invite you to join the group for dinner at the Italian Restaurant

An d. Seepromenade 39, 16816 Neuruppin
Tel: 03391 4009040

The restaurant is located downtown on the lake (see map). Dinner is at your own cost from a reduced menu. We made a reservation for a group of 35 people.


CALL FOR PAPERS for International Workshop on


Brandenburg Medical School, Neuruppin (60 km from Berlin, Germany)

June 13-15, 2023

Deadline for abstract submission: Mar 7, 2023

The workshop will address how risk prediction can advance a patient-centred health care system. It covers all aspects, from statistical methods for building and validating risk prediction models, presenting and implementing them, to their use by clinicians, patients and the media. Topics include personalised risk communication, risk-based decision-making, how patients and doctors deal with properties of risk models and the uncertainty around predictions, and the real-world outcomes that help evaluate implementations of prediction tools. Risk predictions as a component of medical interventions in health care studies will also be addressed.

Invited speakers (confirmed):

RIPCOP is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Region of the International Biometric Society (IBS), includes a mix of invited and contributed talks and several short courses, is limited to ~60 participants, and offers plenty of opportunities to connect and brainstorm.

Abstracts should be sent by e-mail as Microsoft Word or plain text attachments to zksbb@mhb-fontane.de. Abstracts should include a title of maximally 130 characters and a list of authors and their affiliations. Abstracts should be limited to 350 words (excluding title, authors, affiliations). It is not possible to include figures. Deadline for submission is Mar 7, 2023. Contributed presentations will be selected from submitted abstracts.

Center for Clinical Studies Brandenburg, Brandenburg Medical School, Neuruppin, DE

Organizing committee
Michael Hauptmann, Institute of Biostatistics and Registry Research, Brandenburg Medical School, Neuruppin, DE
Felix Rebitschek, Harding Center for Risk Literacy, University of Potsdam, DE
Flora van Leeuwen, Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam, NL
Ruth Pfeiffer, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, US

Local organizing committee
Silke Köhler, Center for Clinical Studies Brandenburg, Brandenburg Medical School, Neuruppin, DE
Katrin Beck, Campus ACADEMY, Neuruppin, DE
Michael Hauptmann, Brandenburg Medical School, Neuruppin, DE

Neuruppin is a small university town about 60 km northwest of Berlin. Brandenburg Medical School is a young university where physicians and psychologists are trained. The university is located on the historic campus of the University Hospital Ruppin-Brandenburg, a unique landmark. Neuruppin can be reached by airplane via Berlin-Brandenburg airport (BER) and public transportation.

For hotel information, see event summary Event Summary (PDF)

Key dates
Abstract submission: Feb 1- Mar 7, 2023
Abstract decision: Mar 17, 2023
Registration for presenters only: Mar 18-28, 2023 at early bird rate
Registration for non-presenters: Mar 29-Apr 16, 2023 at early bird rate then regular until full (workshop is limited to ~60 participants)

Online payment is possible at registration, or invoices can be sent. Registration is only final after payment is received.

Registration fee
Early bird registration: EUR 150 (regular), EUR 100 (reduced*)
Regular: EUR 200 (regular), EUR 150 (reduced*)

*Undergraduate and postgraduate students are eligible for reduced registration fees. (Verification at the registration desk)

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