Sonography Final Course “Advanced Differential Diagnostics of the Fetus

Sonography Final Course “Advanced Differential Diagnostics of the Fetus

date location theme price available tickets
08/31/2023 - 09/02/2023 Leipzig Sonography Final Course “Advanced Differential Diagnostics of the Fetus €0,00 26
St. Elisabeth Hospital – Congress Center
Biedermannstr. 84
04277 Leipzig

08/31/2023 - 09/02/2023, 13:00 - 14:00

scientific management
Carsten Springer, MD

recognition/ certification
DEGUM, ÄK. KV compliant

cme points

flyer / program downloads
Sonography Final Course "Advanced Differential Diagnostics of the Fetus

Invitation to the advanced sonography course “Advanced differential diagnosis of the fetus” in gynecology and obstetrics
from 23.03.-25.03.2023

at the St. Elisabeth Hospital Leipzig

Course instructor
Carsten Springer, MD
Head physician of obstetrics and prenatal diagnostics
DEGUM – Course Instructor

23.03.2023 from 13.00-19.15
24.03.2023 from 8.30-18.45
25.03.2023 from 8.30-13.30

The 2G rule applies (subject to change)

Bookings are no longer possible for this event.