Usedom Ultrasound Week 2023

Usedom Ultrasound Week 2023

date location theme price available tickets
03/06/2023 - 03/10/2023 Baltic resort Zinnowitz / Usedom island Usedom Ultrasound Week 2023 €0,00 162
Baltic Sport and Holiday Hotel
Dünenstr. 1
17454 Baltic resort Zinnowitz / Usedom island

03/06/2023 - 03/10/2023, all-day

scientific management
Prof. Dieter Nürnberg and others

recognition/ certification

cme points

flyer / program downloads
Usedom Ultrasound Week 2023

Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to our 9th ultrasound week in Zinnowitz.

We have again expanded the range of courses. In addition to the basic courses on abdomen and vascular ultrasound, a series of
one-day DEGUM modules are offered. We will offer the course on emergency echocardiography as well as, for the first time, a one-day course on the
handling and the possibilities of handheld sonography (smartphone sono).
The Usedom Ultrasound Week is aimed at all ultrasound-enthusiastic physicians in the fields of internal medicine, radiology, surgery, emergency medicine
and especially the family doctors (general practitioners). Besides a lot of ultrasound, Zinnowitz certainly offers room for a relaxing walk on the beach and a nice evening get-together with the ‘sonomaniac’ colleagues.

Your Campus Academy and the team of DEGUM course leaders of the Usedom Ultrasound Week.

For inquiries: 0176 68 61 8854 or


Unfortunately, the following courses are already fully booked:

Interdisciplinary Basic Course Abdominal Sonography 4 days from 6-9.03.2023

Basic course abdominal sonography 3 days from 6-8.03.2023

Interdis. Basic course vascular diagnostics 3 days from 6-8.03.2023 for non-neurologists, places for neurologists can be booked

Thyroid module 7.03.2023

Gastrointestinal Tract Module 9.03.2023



Bookings are no longer possible for this event.