Social Event for RiPCoP June 13

date location theme price available tickets
06/13/2023 Neuruppin Social Event for RiPCoP June 13 €0,00 70
An der Seepromenade 10
16816 Neuruppin

06/13/2023, 18:30 - 21:30
Social Event for RiPCoP  June 13

The boat of the Neuruppin fleet sets off to a three-hour round trip on Lake Ruppin. The tour leads past the lake promenade with the monastery church, the historic city wall and the Parzival water sculpture. On the other side of the lake, beautiful villas and well-tended gardens draw the eye.

Included is an exclusive dinner buffet for all needs and tastes.

Feel free to also book tickets for a friend or relative to come along.


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